Who are we?
Cordelia Chan from Singapore is the Special Editing Consultant. She was invited to independently review, critique and co-moderate the contents of these webpages.

Romain Courtin, Alain Saad, Damien Gatinel, Adrien Mazharian, Christophe Panthier
Main Authors: Damien Gatinel and Adrien Mazharian (Paris, France)
Co-Authors: Alain Saad, Christophe Panthier, Romain Courtin, Guillaume Debellemanière (Paris, France)
Special Editing Consultant: Cordelia Chan (Singapore), Radhika Rampat (England)

Dr. Damien Gatinel is the Head of the Anterior Segment and Refractive Surgery Department of the Rothschild Foundation, Paris, France since 2008. Besides the detection of subclinical keratoconus, his favorite topics of research are on intraocular lens (IOL) design, optical modelling and exploration of the optical quality of the human eye, as well as astigmatism correction. He holds a PhD in Applied Mathematics. Dr Gatinel owns several patents, including that of the first diffractive trifocal intraocular lens design (FineVision lens, PhysIOL, Belgium), for the invention of which he was awarded Grand Cross Knighthood in the Order of the Crown of the Belgium kingdom. Dr Gatinel is a Board Member of the Executive Committee of the International Society of Refractive Surgery (ISRS) and of the Research Committee of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS). He serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Refractive Surgery. He has received 18 Prizes and Awards including the Lans Distinguished Award (American Academy of Ophthalmology-AAO/ISRS, 2014), the Senior Achievement Award (AAO,2014) and the Recognition Award from International Society of Refractive Surgery (ISRS,2016). He has published more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals and edited three books. You can learn more about Dr Gatinel at this page (about Dr Gatinel).

Dr. Adrien Mazharian is a Resident in Ophthalmology working with the team of Dr. Damien Gatinel in the Rothschild Foundation, Paris, France. His area of interest is in the diagnosis and management of patients with keratoconus. He previously trained in many Parisian hospitals including the XV XX, the Cochin and Hôtel-Dieu Hospitals, as well as the prestigious Military Hospital of the Val de Grace. He holds university degrees specializing in the adaptation of contact lenses, neuro-ophthalmological pathologies and retinal pathologies, as well as a Science Master’s Degree in immunology and genetics. He has also edited an Ophthalmology book for medical students.

Dr. Alain Saad, is an attending physician in the Anterior Segment and Refractive Surgery Department at the Rothschild Foundation, Paris, France and an Assistant Professor in the Cornea and Refractive Surgery Division of the Department of Ophthalmology, American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon. Dr Saad specializes in corneal disease, refractive and cataract surgery, as well as keratoconus diagnosis and management. Dr Saad is a member of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) and the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO). He is recipient of the Achievement Award of the AAO (2014). He has authored several publications on the topic of keratoconus, including an artificial intelligence algorithm aimed to detect early keratoconus. He was nominated and ranked #10 in “The Ophthalmologist’s Top 40 under 40”. His clinical and research interests include the surgical treatment of corneal endothelial disease and all aspects of keratoconus diagnosis, pathogenesis, and treatment. You can learn more about Dr Saad at this page (about Dr Saad)

Dr Cordelia Chan is a Consultant Eye Surgeon from Singapore who is currently practising with a group of ophthalmologists in the private healthcare sector. She is the former Head of the Refractive Surgery Service of the Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC), and holds a Visiting Senior Consultant position at the Corneal & External Eye Disease and Refractive Surgery Services of SNEC. Dr Chan is the Deputy Director of the Singapore Eye Bank, which handles and audits the majority of cornea transplants performed in Singapore.
Dr Chan’s clinical and research interests are in keratoconus, LASIK, refractive lenticule extraction (ReLEx SMILE), pterygium, cornea infections, allergic eye disease, cornea topography, dry eye and lamellar cornea transplantation. She is a regular Reviewer of several indexed medical journals including the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery and Cochrane Eyes and Vision Systematic Review. She has published and co-authored numerous articles in Ophthalmology, British Journal of Ophthalmology, Cornea, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science and the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, and written book chapters on Cornea & External Eye Disease.
Dr Chan continues to conduct teaching courses for ophthalmologists in local, regional and international conferences, and has been invited to speak on many occasions in international meetings in Europe, the USA and Asia. Over the years, Dr Chan has mentored, proctored and trained many local and international ophthalmologists in Cataract, Cornea and Refractive Surgery.
Dr Chan has won numerous awards in her career, including the National University of Singapore’s Oliveiro Memorial Gold Medal in Biochemistry in 1988, the Medical Alumni Association Bronze Medal in 1989, the SNEC Young Researcher Award in 1988, and the Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) Distinguished Service Award in 2014, for her contributions to clinical service and the advancement of ophthalmic care in the Asia-Pacific region. For two consecutive years in 2013 and 2014, she was presented the SingHealth Outstanding Faculty Award for her continued efforts in the teaching of Ophthalmology Residents in Singapore, and was voted by the young doctors to be one of their best teachers. You can learn more about her at this page (about Dr Chan).

Dr. Romain Courtin is an ophthalmologist specializing in the anterior segment. He has worked at the Rothschild Foundation, Paris, France with Dr Damien Gatinel since 2013. His clinical activity is dedicated to the medical and surgical management of corneal dystrophies, in particular keratoconus and Fuchs endothelial dystrophy, as well as cataract surgery. He also practises refractive surgery at the Noémie de Rothschild Laser Institute, Paris, France. He participates in the scientific publications conducted by the team in the fields of refractive surgery and more specifically on the methods of compensating for presbyopia, as well as in corneal transplantation and the DMEK technique

Dr Christophe Panthier is an ophthalmologist specializing in the anterior segment. He works at the Rothschild Foundation, Paris, France in Dr Damien Gatinel’s department as a clinician dedicated to refractive surgery as well as the medical and surgical management of corneal dystrophes like keratoconus and Fuchs dystrophy. His research activities in the department involve areas such as refractive surgery, corneal transplantation (including DMEK techniques), and cataract surgery. As part of a Science Masters project, he studied accommodation disorders after refractive surgery in a military population. You can learn more about Dr Panthier at this page (about Dr Panthier)


Dr Radhika Rampat graduated with pre-clinical and clinical distinctions from St Bartholomew’s and The Royal London medical school in 2009 and trained as an Academic Foundation programme doctor as well as representing them at the deanery level. She then directly attained a competitive run through training programme for Ophthalmology in the North London deanery – rotating through prestigious institutions including Moorfields, Western Eye, University College and Royal Free Hospitals. She has spent a year in Paris as a Cornea Research Fellow to Dr Gatinel, focussing on AI in the Anterior Segment. She is currently in her last year of training as a Cornea Fellow at Moorfields. Welcome to the www.defeatkeratoconus.com team!